
APIs Overview

As an Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (ASPSP de Volksbank N.V.), we offer payment services to customers with our 3 brands ASN Bank, RegioBank and SNS. We focus on consumers, self-employed entrepeneurs and SMEs.

Our APIs

As an Account Servicing Payment Service Provider (ASPSP de Volksbank N.V.), we offer payment services to customers with our 3 brands ASN Bank, RegioBank and SNS. We focus on consumers, self-employed entrepreneurs and SMEs. Within the framework of the Payment Services Directive 2 (PSD2) you can use one or more of the AIS, PIS and CAF APIs as Third Party Payment Service Provider (TPP), provided:

  1. You have the necessary PSD2 registration from the national competent authority ‘De Nederlandsche Bank’ (whether or not via “passporting”) for this purpose:
    • payment service 8 Account information services (AIS), as described in the Annex of the European Payment Services Directive, the Payment Services Directive (2015/2366 / EC) and/or
    • payment service 7 Payment initiation services (PIS), as defined in the Annex of the European Payment Services Directive, the Payment Services Directive (2015/2366 / EC) and/or
    • payment service 5 Issuing of payment instruments and/or acquiring of payment transactions (CAF), as defined in the Annex of the European Payment Services Directive, the Payment Services Directive (2015/2366 / EC).
  2. The customer (payment service user) has given his consent for these services.
Here is an overview of our APIs.

Account Information Services (AIS) APIs

As an organisation you may collect account and payment information from our payment customers using our brands.
We currently support the following account information services:

  • Consent Services
    You first need to obtain a consent of the PSU. After the consent is initiated to us (and authorized by the PSU) you can do the below mentioned API calls to us.
  • Consent Status Services
    This allows you to request information about the status of a consent.
  • Manage Consent Services
    • Get Consent
    With this endpoint you can request additional information about a consent given by the PSU: current status and characteristic fields pertaining to the consent.

    • Delete Consent
    This allows you to inform us about a deleted consent by the PSU
  • Account Information Services
    • Get Account information.
    This enables the retrieval of product data for the payment account concerned, such as IBAN, product name and any alias name of the payment account chosen by the customer.

    • Get Balances for a given account
    This allows you to request the Balance of a chosen payment account.

    • Get Transaction information
    This API allows you to view all payment transactions of the relevant payment account over a requested period.

Payment Initiation Services (PIS) API

This API enables your organisation to send payment orders to our brands in a safe way on behalf of our customers. Customers can be consumers, self-employed entrepreneurs and SMEs. We currently support the initiation of a single, to be processed SEPA Credit Transfer, for both our private and business customers. It is also possible to retrieve the most recent status of the payment submitting a transaction status request.

Confirmation of the Availability of Funds (CAF) API

This allows you to request for a confirmation of the availability of funds on a chosen payment account.

For the technical documentation we refer to Documentation on this site and the Developer Portal (including Swagger files).

Please check the table below for the required license and certificate:













Consent Services
Including Consent Status Services and Manage Consent Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Account Information Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Payment Initiation Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Payment Execution Services
Including Payment Status Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Consent Services

Including Consent Status Services and Manage Consent Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Account Information Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Payment Initiation Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Payment Execution Services

Including Payment Status Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP


Funds Confirmation Consent Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Funds Confirmation Services

PSD2 certificate signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Funds Confirmation Consent Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP


Sandbox Funds Confirmation Services


TLS/SLL (license request pending) or PSD2 certificate, both signed by a QTSP

* or pending request NCA

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